Neoxum Anti-Corona film is permanently highly effective against viruses SARS-CoV-2 but also against bacteria such as
  • Anti Corona Screen Protector
  • antiviral and antibacterial protective film
  • Home - Image product antiviral and antibacterial protective film - Anti-reflective film
  • Antiviral and antibacterial display film (also against Corona)
  • antiviral and antibacterial protective film
  • antiviral and antibacterial protective film
  • Antiviral and antibacterial display film kills up to 99.9% of pathogens within 30 minutes
  • Home - Image product antiviral and antibacterial protective film - glass film
  • Antibacterial and antiviral film, e.g. for touchscreens of vending machines (coffee machines, drinks machines, etc.)
  • Home - Image product antiviral and antibacterial protective film - anti-reflective film
  • Antiviral and antibacterial protective film with permanent automatic disinfection through the active coating.
  • Antiviral anti microbial display film
  • Anti viral and anti bacterial touch foil
  • Neoxum Anti-Corona film is permanently highly effective against viruses SARS-CoV-2 but also against bacteria such as
Neoxum Anti-Corona film is permanently highly effective against viruses SARS-CoV-2 but also against bacteria such as
  • Anti Corona Screen Protector
  • antiviral and antibacterial protective film
  • Home - Image product antiviral and antibacterial protective film - Anti-reflective film
  • Antiviral and antibacterial display film (also against Corona)
  • antiviral and antibacterial protective film
  • antiviral and antibacterial protective film
  • Antiviral and antibacterial display film kills up to 99.9% of pathogens within 30 minutes
  • Home - Image product antiviral and antibacterial protective film - glass film
  • Antibacterial and antiviral film, e.g. for touchscreens of vending machines (coffee machines, drinks machines, etc.)
  • Home - Image product antiviral and antibacterial protective film - anti-reflective film
  • Antiviral and antibacterial protective film with permanent automatic disinfection through the active coating.
  • Antiviral anti microbial display film
  • Anti viral and anti bacterial touch foil
  • Neoxum Anti-Corona film is permanently highly effective against viruses SARS-CoV-2 but also against bacteria such as

Neoxum antiviral and antibacterial display film for ICP IOVU-751R

Tax included

Getestete anti-virale Aktivität nach DIN ISO 21702 und antbakterielle Wirksamkeit nach DIN ISO 22196|Nach DIN ISO 27102 geprüfte anti-virale Wirksamkeit und nach DIN ISO 22196 getestete antibakterielle Wirksamkeit Guaranteed antiviral and antibacterial effectiveness in accordance with DIN ISO 21702 , or DIN ISO 22196

100 µm starker Bildschirmschutz 0.1 mm thick protection of the IOVU-751R screen surface

High anti-corona effect Kills SARS-CoV-2 viruses

Hochaktiv unter anderem gegen Corona-Viren, Noroviren, Influenzaviren, Adenoviren,eine Vielzahl nosokomialer Erreger und Bakterien wie Staphylococcus aureus und Escherichia Coli - Inaktiviert in weniger als 30 min 99,9% der Viren und Bakterien 30 Min werden 99,9% der Viren und Bakterien abgetötet Highly effective against corona viruses, noroviruses, influenza viruses, adenoviruses, a variety of nosocomial germs and Staphylococcus aureus as well as E. coli bacteria - In less than 30 minutes 99.9% of viruses and bacteria inactivated

Für ICP IOVU-751R passend Anti-Covid-19 Schutzfolie For ICP IOVU-751R Anti-Viral & Anti Bacterial effective industrial panel display film

Stops the transmission of pathogens with Corona Stops the infection path with corona viruses

Made in Swabia Made in Germany

Äußerst gute Chemikalienbeständigkeit Extremely high resistance to disinfectants

Easy to apply to the display Uncomplicated installation with the help of adhesion

Permanent and automatic decontamination of the touchscreenComplete and independent aseptic disinfection of the touch display

Antibacterially active Antiseptic and antiviral effect

Screen protector manufacturer certified Quality DIN ISO 9001

Volume discounts

Quantity Unit discount You Save
2 5% €1.49
5 7% €5.21
10 10% €14.90

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Antiviral & Antibacterial protective film suitable for ICP IOVU-751R

Neoxum antiviral and antibacterial effective screen protectors are in accordance with DIN ISO 21702, respectively. DIN ISO 22196 tested against

  • Influenza viruses
  • Many nosocomial pathogens
  • Staphylococcus aureus bacteria
  • Noroviruses
  • Adeno viruses
  • Corona viruses
  • Escherichia coli

Why anti-virus screen protector when there is disinfection?

Any disinfection of a surface is only good until the next person touches or contaminates that surface. And this is exactly where the virucidal or antimicrobial permanently active screen film from Neoxum comes into play: At any time, the active coating kills viruses & bacteria and continuously decimates the viral or bacterial load. Within a period of minutes, up to 99.9% of pathogens are reduced.

Anti-Virus & Anti-bacterial effect in a period of just a few minutes - 99.9% reduction

Anti-virus effectiveness

In a period of just a few minutes, up to 99.9% of pathogens are inactivated on the anti-viral and anti-microbial coated protective film for ICP IOVU-751R. The following figure shows that, for example, 99.9% of Covid-19 viruses were deactivated after just 15 minutes. Influenza viruses, which can cause serious influenza infections, are 99.9% killed after just 3 minutes of contact with the anti-viral protective film. Diarrhea pathogens, such as the norovirus, are 99.9% inactivated after just 5 minutes of direct contact.

Antibacterial effectiveness

Even bacteria such as Escherichia Coli, also known as coli bacteria, which causes unpleasant urinary tract diseases, pathogens of blood poisoning and are feared as the cause of nosocomial infections, are reliably killed by 99.9% after 5 minutes. Staphylococcus aureus (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus = MRSA) is a dangerous hospital germ that sometimes leads to inflammation or accumulation of pus, infections of open wounds, especially after operations, inflammation of individual organs of the body, for example urinary tract infections, pneumonia or bloodstream infections, and even severe blood poisoning (medical emergency) (source: BZgA).

Anti-virus mode of action

Tested according to DIN ISO 21702 and DIN ISO 22196

The anti-viral and anti-bacterial effectiveness within a period of minutes was tested and validated according to DIN ISO 21702 and DIN ISO 22196 by accredited testing laboratories. Details can be found in the test reports.

Survival time of the coronavirus on various surfaces

Statement by the Robert Koch Institute on the topic of disinfection of PC components and touch displays

The RKI already defined the relevance of touch-sensitive screens and computers in the chain of infection in its statement of April 5, 2019:

" The use of computers and devices that are operated via touchscreen is everyday life in healthcare facilities, including in patient-related environments. Since keyboards and touchscreens are surfaces that are often touched by hand, they represent a possible route for the transmission of pathogens [...] and should therefore be taken into account in the hygiene plan [...]. "

Current research results from the CSIRO (Australia's government agency for scientific and industrial Research)

The following graphic shows, according to a brand new study by the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) = Australia's government agency for scientific and industrial research) from October 2020, that the corona virus can survive on different surfaces for a longer period of time and remains virulent.

Wie lange überlebt der SARS-CoV-2 Virus auf Oberflächen

Anti-virus reaction of the Neoxum AntiVir film

The surface of the stable screen protector suitable for ICP IOVU-751R is provided with a new patented virus-killing and bacteria-killing layer. Disinfectants that may trigger allergies are completely avoided. Alternatively, the antiviral and antibacterial effects of copper, which have been recognized since ancient times, are relied upon.

Copper kills viruses and bacteria

Copper ions, integrated in the incredibly robust matrix, react with the oxygen that is always present in the air and create active oxygen molecules.

If germs such as bacteria or viruses (coronaviruses, many nosocomial germs, adenoviruses, influenza viruses, E. coli, noroviruses or Staphylococcus aureus) come into contact with the active antiviral and antibacterial coating of the display film for ICP IOVU-751R, a so-called reaction is set in motion. Oxygen molecules from the air react with the Cu ions, embedded in the anti viral and anti microbial active coating, and develop extremely virulent active intermediate species that attack and destroy the protein shell of viruses and bacterial proteins with absolute efficiency. The exposed virus mRNA (RNA) or bacterial RNA is exposed and immediately deactivated. Many multi-resistant pathogens, Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria, Adenoviruses, Escherichia Coli, Influenza viruses, COVID-19 and Noroviruses are effectively deactivated and are no longer contagious.

Antiviral effect foil

Constant decimation of viruses & bacteria on the ICP IOVU-751R touchscreen

The reactive copper ions change their so-called oxidation states between copper I and copper II in the virus-killing effect. The active copper ions are not consumed in any way, but are available again for the progressive disinfection of the ICP industrial panel surface. The surface disinfectant effect is actively virucidal for up to 12 months.

How are pathogens transmitted?

When infected via a touch display, pathogens are passed on through contact with hands contaminated with viruses & bacteria.

Viruses & bacteria transmitted from person to person

If an infected person sneezes into the palm of their hand, the infectious pathogens stick to the inside of their hands. If the infected person then shakes hands with another person, the pathogens will be transmitted. If this person then brings the infected hands to their mouth, nose or eyes, the entry points for pathogens, this person could become infected with the virus or bacteria.

Transmission of Covid-19 via surfaces

Pathogens even stick to industrial panel screens. It is not only health institutions such as clinics, nursing homes and retirement homes that are faced with the increased risk of influenza infection. Infectious SARS-CoV-2 viruses have also been evidently found on the displays of tablet PCs, airline ticket systems, drinks machines, portable payment systems, cell phones, TV devices and cash register systems.

Bacteria & viruses are almost always found on our hands and palms. Without a doubt, we touch our faces with our hands very often during the day. In this way, germs migrate unintentionally from the contaminated surface of the ICP IOVU-751R via the hands to the mouth, nose and eyes. Pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 viruses can be transmitted in this way.

Neoxum anti-viral and anti-microbial display films are also suitable for numerous other pathogens

This route of infection plays an important role, especially in diarrheal diseases. In the case of contact infection, tiny amounts of infectious stool residues pass from the hands to the mouth. This route of transmission is also known as fecal-oral. In the course of this, pathogens such as noroviruses or rotaviruses migrate into the body. But influenza viruses (which cause severe flu) and SARS-CoV-2 viruses are also transmitted via the hand-to-mouth route. In particular, mouth and nose coverings, masks or FFP2 masks are a breeding ground for germs, especially since they are rarely washed aseptically at regular intervals. Every day, people often touch the FFP2 mask and then repeatedly operate the monitor. After just 5 days in a Petri dish with nutrient solution, it becomes clear how dirty a rarely used mask is.

Germs on mask

Data sheet

Displayschutzfolie - antiviral und antibakteriell
0.1 mm
Passende antivirale Displayfolie (ACHTUNG: Ränder von Curved Displays können technisch bedingt nicht abgedeckt werden)
Display cleaning cloth combination dry and wet
multilingual pictured
Yes, according to DIN ISO 9001:2015

Specific References



Corona-Aktivitat DIN ISO 21702

anti Corona activity of screen protector foil according to DIN ISO 21702

Download (521.4KB)

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